Welcome to the World of Aviation Hot Shot for aviation news
This is the place for all things (Aviation News) related to the Aviation industry, Aircraft, Flying, and everything you ever wanted to know about this exciting industry. If you have a passion for flying machines, the pilots that fly them, aviation news, major news events, and the future of the industry, you have come to the right place! We look at the many advances in the world of aviation, especially technology in both electronics, computerization, and new inventions that are making flying less dependent on the flight crew and more automation, not always a good thing. The aviation industry has undergone spectacular innovation and upgrades in the last half-century. We are a long way from our roots, the Wright Brothers and their first flight, December 17, 1903. Today there are over 4 billion people flying passengers and revenues well over 6 Billion dollars! Baby, we have traveled a long way from humble beginnings.
This is truly an industry that has come of age. However, we need to keep our innovations more attuned to safety and not profits!
However, with advances in the world of aviation, it also brings us to the present problem that the Pandemic clearly proved without a doubt! The coronavirus Covid-19 circled the globe in a matter of days due to the connectivity that the airline industry was unfortunately responsible for.
The airline industry, and especially international travel, whether for business, vacation, or any other purpose was the ideal vehicle that allowed the virus-free ride on aircraft to all parts of the world. It is no wonder the virus was able to spread like wildfire so quickly to so many countries.

Let's know each other better
Now let me tell you about this site and what you can expect! I am an aviation professional, having spent the better part of my life in this inspiring and rewarding career. In my forty-plus years, I have seen many momentous and innovative developments in all areas of the industry.
But let’s start at the beginning! As a young boy, we lived near an international airport, and I loved looking at airplanes landing and taking off during my formative years. I was by then totally hooked and motivated to become a pilot.
I will be leading you on a journey that spans a half-century of aviation. Events, aircraft crashes, significant improvements, aviation news, and everything you ever wanted to know about and wished you had access to the information, news, and industry updates.

“I have known Dave Rohee for a few years and he has been very helpful to our hearing aid office with several written projects email blasts and newsletters, announcements, editing some marketing pieces before mailing, and participating in a testimonial article for a local health publication.His writing style has been eloquent, informative, interesting and fun! I am looking forward to working with him again on future projects!”

“I had the pleasure of working closely with Dave in an executive capacity for a number of years on domestic and International projects with Avmax Group, WMM Partners Ltd. and L3 Communications. The monetary scope of these projects at times reaching into the multi-millions lending an extreme focus on our message delivery every step of the way. Dave’s talent of tapping into his wealth of varied and impressive experience for the purposes of relaying a message via written word was always extraordinary. A great deal of our corporate success was due to Dave’s ability to tell a story, at the boardroom table or on paper, and then to deliver above what was expected. As a colleague Dave is unwavering in his integrity and as a writer/story teller he is inspiring and motivating. People with his experience and abilities are rare and I have no doubt that his personal success story will continue.”
I have known Dave for many years since we were in college. He was an adventurous young man who was bent on flying. After leaving college he started his dream of flying. However, before getting in the cockpit, he wanted to know everything about aviation from the grass roots up.
He was an apprentice, a skilled mechanic, a bush pilot and finally a captain with a national airline. Dave even started and ran his own cargo airline between Miami and Guyana. When he flew for Guyana Airways, Dave was very involved in ferrying troops into the hinterland to assist the army in aborting a revolution.
In his later life, Dave became an author and freelance journalist writing about his exploits in the several countries in which he lived. He has authored and published two best-sellers, Kidnapped – A Living Nightmare and Bush Flying – A Pilot’s Nightmare.
His writing style is both descriptive and narrative as he takes you on a journey to a place you did not realise where it was going as he tries to construct and communicate a story, complete with characters, conflict, and settings.
I look forward to his future books and aviation blogs which I’m sure will be exciting and enjoyable.
“Your Exclusive Source for Aviation”

Contact Details
Send us an email and let me know what aviation information, is most interesting to you and I will get back to you. Email: info@aviationhotshot.com Address: 1128 Royal Palm Blvd. Unit 249 Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411-1693 USA Tel: +1 561 935-9553